2020-2022 Mandatory Course – 4 Hours of CE (Zoom)

Event details

  • Wednesday | January 12, 2022
  • 8:30 am


This course is designed to instruct on the content decided by the Vermont Real Estate Commission.  Topics such as, Diversity and Discrimination,  Hot Issues for agents and how the rules play out, Administrative Rules, Establishment and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest Policies, Fiduciary Duties, Professional Practice, Fair Housing, Land Use, and Property Rights will be covered.

Learning Objectives
As a result of this program the participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate their understanding of the rules and regulations that govern the real estate industry.
• Describe the recent updates to current rules and regulations that govern the real estate industry in Vermont.
• Become familiar with recent REC disciplinary decisions and VT Supreme Court decisions relevant to the real estate industry.

This class is being offered via ZOOM. Registrants MUST have a reliable camera and Internet to receive the credit. A link will be sent 24 hours before the class.

Cost:  $45.00

Instructor:  Peter West

Register HERE