Unethical and Unlawful Use of Social Media

Event details

  • Wednesday | March 2, 2022
  • 9:00 am

Did you know the 1st Amendment does not grant you the right to say whatever you want on social media? In fact, your words can significantly hurt your business and even put you in legal trouble that could threaten your real estate license. In this course, we’ll cover the best practices for posting on social media without putting yourself or your career in jeopardy. You will walk away with an understanding of First Amendment protections and exceptions, social media fair housing violations, financial and legal repercussions, general pitfalls that could injure your business, and how to safely share on social media. Don’t let one of the best opportunities to generate income turn into a liability!

Instructor: Alex Camelio
Alex has personally helped over 15,000 Agents and Brokers, including some of the Top REALTORS® in North America. His passion for marketing, technology and business development has translated into more than a decade of cutting-edge technology and contributions to the real estate industry. As the CEO of the Agent Inner Circle®, a40,000-member real estate agent community, Alex focuses on providing agents with education and actionable strategies to grow and optimize their business, ultimately building some of the most successful careers in real estate today.

This class is being offered via Zoom. Registrants MUST had a reliable camera and Internet to receive credit for the class. A link will be sent 24 hours before the class.

Registration Fees:
Members: $25
Non-Members: $50

Register here 

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